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Published In 13

SFGate SFGate - The 22 biggest restaurant openings of the first half of 2016
SF Weekly SF Weekly - Eat: LocoL Time
Eater Eater - SF Heatmap, July 2016
San Francisco Chronicle San Francisco Chronicle - The 13 biggest restaurant openings of the first half of 2016
SFGate SFGate - Experimental Gastronomy: Avante-garde dining event headed to Bay Area
Eater Eater - Where to Eat and Drink in Uptown Oakland, July 2016
Eater Eater - SF Heatmap, August 2016
Eater Eater - An Eater's Guide to San Francisco
San Francisco Chronicle San Francisco Chronicle - Oakland’s Locol has a mission as it looks to hit its stride
7x7 7x7 - 100 Things to Eat in Oakland in 2017
Eater Eater - San Francisco’s Top Restaurant Standbys of 2016
New York Times New York Times - Fast Food for Needy Neighborhoods, at Locol in California
Eater Eater - Locol’s West Oakland Bakery Will Open This Week

Online Reviews

197 reviews

Must Try

Noodles & Pasta The Noodleman- Noodles & Pasta
Burger Veggie Cheeseburg- Burger
Drinks strawberry-lime agua fresca- Drinks
Snack Crunchies- Snack